Embodied Childbirth Education


Embodied Childbirth Education Services

Embodied Childbirth Education Series

Join us Flow of Life for a unique childbirth education series! Flow of Life takes a collaborative approach bringing together an all star team to offer birthing families the information and guidance they need to feel confident, informed and empowered for birth! Learn childbirth education through embodiment, movement and cultivation of a deeper relationship to yourself and your birth partner.

Birth Partner Sessions + Private Childbirth Education Class

Want an individualized childbirth education experience? Book a private childbirth education class! These classes are tailored to the specific needs of the expecting family. These classes include a review of the stages of labor, comfort measures for birth, advocacy, unexpected pathways and interventions as well as preparation for postpartum.

Spinning Babies Body Balance Session

As a spinning babies aware practitioner, I offer integrative sessions to pregnant people to support them in understanding their pregnant body and invite balance utilizing spinning babies techniques.

Learn the essential spinning babies techniques to create an at home practice in pregnancy to keep you comfortable and support functional and physiological birth.

Roxy has been such an awesome resource throughout my pregnancy. I started with prenatal yoga early on and now I’ve done bodywork with her and currently enrolled in the embodied childbirth class. Roxy is so good at what she does and her passion and expertise overflows. As this is my first pregnancy, I felt really unprepared but as I’ve gone through the courses and given resources to find my doula, I feel so much more confident in having a successful birthing experience. In fact, I was fearing it but now I’m excited for it.
— Whitney Durrant

Have questions? Reach out!